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Terms and conditions

Legal Warning and Terms and Conditions


This Legal Warning and Terms and Conditions Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”) is established between [SWING TRADING LAB] (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) and the registered participant (hereinafter referred to as “the Participant” or “the user”) in any educational program (hereinafter referred to as “the Course”).


  1. Purpose of the website

The content of this course should not be interpreted as personal or public advice, as it does not provide such intent or information. This course is for educational purposes only, and the information provided can be used to create your own trading plan and invest at your own risk.


Before investing, the risks associated with trading should be taken into account. Forex trading or CFDs (Contracts for Difference) involve a high risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading is risky and not suitable for everyone. You are solely responsible for your trading. There is a possibility of suffering losses equal to or greater than your entire investment.


  1. Use and application

These terms and conditions apply to the main page of swingtradinglab.co and any other pages created by SWING TRADING LAB for the aforementioned purpose. They also apply to their social media accounts, email communications, and related downloadable files.


  1. Modality

The course will be delivered entirely through virtual means, using digital tools that enable its distribution. Any scheduled in-person events may incur additional costs not included in the course price. SWING TRADING LAB is not obligated to organize any in-person events associated with the course.


  1. Terminology

For the sole purposes of these terms and conditions, the following terminology shall be used:

User: refers to any person who browses the website, accesses any of its pages or sections, simply by accessing and/or using this website, thereby accepting the terms and conditions reflected herein.

Website: refers to all pages created under the domain https://swingtradinglab.co, as well as its social media accounts, email communications, and downloadable files.

Student: shall be understood as anyone who purchases a digital or physical product sold through the website. They will also be considered a user and a participant, as they use the website and hold both roles.


  1. Use of the website

All graphic, textual, multimedia, photographs, images, videos, or any other digital file format found on the website, hereinafter referred to as “the content,” are owned by SWING TRADING LAB and are protected by national and international copyright laws. The same applies to content sent through other electronic means such as emails, advertising campaigns, social media posts, or any other medium not described here but identified as part of SWING TRADING LAB.


The user assumes responsibility for the use of the website and may not use it to:

Engage in illegal or unlawful activities or activities contrary to morals, good customs, good faith, and public order;

Make comments or disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic, or terrorist nature that infringes on human rights or civil rights in general;

Cause harm to the physical, intellectual, or moral person of SWING TRADING LAB, its providers, or third parties;

Introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may cause the aforementioned damages;

Attempt to access and/or use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.


SWING TRADING LAB reserves the right to remove any comments that violate respect for human dignity, are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, harmful to youth or childhood, disruptive to public order or security, or that, in its opinion, are not suitable for publication. In any case, SWING TRADING LAB shall not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users in any tool intended for this purpose within the website.


  1. Website usage requirements

In order for the user to use the website properly, they must have:

A device capable of connecting to the internet.

Internet connection.


SWING TRADING LAB will be available to assist the user with any technical problems they may encounter, through advice that the user must implement at their own responsibility. This does not replace any technical advice for their own equipment.


  1. Intellectual Property


SWING TRADING LAB is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of the website, as well as the elements contained therein, including, but not limited to: images, sound, photographs, audio, video, software, texts, trademarks, logos, color combinations, structure, design, selection of materials used, programs necessary for its operation, access, and use. The reproduction, distribution, and public communication, including the provision of all or part of the contents of the website, in any format and by any technical means, whether commercial or non-commercial, without the authorization of SWING TRADING LAB, are expressly prohibited.


The Participant agrees to respect the copyright owned by SWING TRADING LAB and may, therefore, view, print, or store on an electronic or virtual device solely for personal, individual, and private use. At no time may they distribute, reproduce, whether for profit or free of charge, to third parties, or make any transformation of the contents. In all cases, they must always mention the authorship of SWING TRADING LAB and the website when deciding to share any of the contents authorized on any social media platform, and they may not modify any of the contents, either in whole or in part.


No excerpts of the content of SWING TRADING LAB, including any mention of third parties, may be shared.


Violation of the copyright, intellectual property, or industrial property rights of SWING TRADING LAB will entitle SWING TRADING LAB to permanently revoke access to the private platform for students, without any obligation to refund any payment made by the student. SWING TRADING LAB may also block the possibility of future purchases by the same student.


  1. Intellectual Property of Collaborators


In some cases, SWING TRADING LAB invites external professionals to create courses, guides, or provide specialized information on the website, whether for a fee or free of charge. Although a contract may have been entered into between the parties, SWING TRADING LAB shall not be responsible for ensuring the proper use of these contents, verifying their ownership, or certifying that the material presented has been obtained legally. These works shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the external professional.


In the event of a dispute over plagiarism or misuse of any third-party material, SWING TRADING LAB will proceed to remove the publication until the parties involved resolve the conflict.


  1. Exclusion of Warranties and Liability


SWING TRADING LAB has implemented all necessary technological measures on the website to prevent damages and harm of any kind that may arise, including, but not limited to: errors or omissions in the content, unavailability of the website, transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents or user data. SWING TRADING LAB shall not be held responsible if any of these measures fail as a result of misuse and/or abuse by a third party.


The user must refrain from deleting, altering, bypassing, or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on the website.


The student must protect their login credentials and keep them private, which will be their sole and exclusive responsibility.


  1. Modifications


SWING TRADING LAB reserves the right to make, without prior notice, any modifications it deems appropriate to the website, including changing, removing, or adding both the content and services provided through it, as well as the way in which they are presented or located, and the design and structure of the website.


SWING TRADING LAB is not obligated to provide the service permanently and may terminate it at any time without the need to compensate the user or student for such termination.


  1. Links


SWING TRADING LAB has no control over the external links and/or contents that may exist on the website, and therefore, it shall not be held responsible for them. It does not guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, breadth, truthfulness, or validity of any material or information contained therein. These external links shall not be understood as a possible association, merger, collaboration, or participation with the owner and/or responsible party of the associated website domain.


  1. Right of Exclusion


SWING TRADING LAB reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the website and/or remove content posted by users or students without prior notice, at its own discretion or at the request of a third party, for those users who violate these terms and conditions.


  1. Results Guarantee


SWING TRADING LAB shall not be held responsible for the success or failure of users in the application of the information received from the website or the digital trading or courses sold on the website. The user shall be solely responsible for implementing what they have learned from the material provided by SWING TRADING LAB.


The contents provided are for informational purposes only, and SWING TRADING LAB does not intend to replace any personalized professional advice that the user may require on a specific topic. SWING TRADING LAB shall not be held responsible for any problems the user may encounter due to misuse of the information provided or for not considering health, ideological, economic, or any other issues that may be affected by the content available for free or not displayed on the website.


  1. Modality


Trading and courses are offered virtually through digital tools that enable their distribution. Any scheduled in-person events may incur additional costs not included in the initial purchase price. SWING TRADING LAB is not obligated to organize any in-person events.


  1. Online Dispute Resolution


The user may contact support@swingtradinglab.co to resolve any issues with the website.


Modification of this Legal Notice and Duration


SWING TRADING LAB may modify the terms and conditions stated herein at any time without prior notice, and they shall remain in effect as long as they are duly published.


  1. Legal Actions


SWING TRADING LAB may, at any time, take legal actions of a civil or criminal nature against any person who misuses the content displayed on the website or violates these terms and conditions. The laws of the United States of America shall apply at all times, and in the event of any conflict, the parties shall submit to the jurisdiction of Miami, Florida, United States of America, as it is the domicile of the website owner.


  1. Contact Methods


If the participant wishes to contact SWING TRADING LAB, they may send an email to the address support@swingtradinglab.co.


  1. Academic Training Policy


These conditions shall be applied to the participant who purchases a spot in any of the courses offered through the swingtradinglab.co website, acquiring the status of participant from that moment onwards. It shall also be understood that these policies are complementary to the general terms and conditions that apply within the website.


  1. Definitions


Hereafter, the term “course” shall refer to any academic program that the participant acquires through the swingtradinglab.co website, which may include a guide, an e-book or digital book, a course, manuals, an actionable course, a challenge, a workshop, or any other type of content delivered online through swingtradinglab.co or physically through postal mail.


  1. Payment Method


The student shall pay the course fee through the available payment platforms at the time, such as credit or debit card, according to the options indicated at the time of purchase.


Failure to make a payment installment, if the option of installment payment was provided at the time of purchase, shall entitle SWING TRADING LAB to suspend full access to the platform until the full payment indicated at the time of purchase is completed. Partial payments made by the student shall not be refunded, as they were used for accessing the material during the initial granted access.


  1. Discounts


SWING TRADING LAB is not obligated to offer any special discounts. This will be entirely at their discretion.


If there is any promotion or discount, it will only apply to courses that have not yet been completed. If the student has purchased a course, the promotion or discount cannot be applied retroactively, even if the payment was made in installments.


  1. Taxes


All taxes that are required by law to be included will be displayed at the payment preview step on the website.


  1. Refunds


At the time of purchase, the participant checks the box declaring their agreement with the terms and conditions, which will be understood as acceptance of the terms and conditions.


Lack of knowledge of these terms does not entitle the student to demand any refund of the payment made.


  1. Reimbursement


The participant has the right to request a refund within seven (7) business days following the purchase of the course, provided the following conditions are met: the participant has completed the course in its entirety, the participant has accessed the designated Discord server for the course and interacted with the community, the participant has applied the knowledge acquired in the course to their own investments, the participant has supporting evidence demonstrating the application of such knowledge, the participant has not engaged in improper or abusive actions regarding the provided material that are outside the limits and regulations of the company, and the participant should have basic trading knowledge that may not be covered in the course curriculum.


Lack of knowledge of these terms by the participant does not entitle them to demand any refund of the payment made. Having technical problems with personal equipment, computers, internet connection, and/or tools does not entitle the participant to demand any refund of the payment made.


  1. System Requirements


In order to properly enjoy the academic program, the participant will need:


– A computer with a color display

– Internet connection

– Ability to view files with the .pdf extension

– Ability to watch videos (if you can access YouTube, Vimeo, you can watch the course videos without any issues)

– A mouse, a keyboard, in other words, all the components necessary for a computer to be used

– You can also view the course on a mobile device, although for convenience, a computer or laptop is recommended.


SWING TRADING LAB will be available to assist the participant with any technical problems they may encounter, providing advice that the participant should implement at their own responsibility, as this assistance does not replace any technical support for their equipment.


  1. Personalized Consultations


The course does not include correction of assignments, tasks, or analysis of the student’s ongoing progress.


  1. Intellectual Property


All content is protected by copyright. Its distribution, modification, sale, rental, or any other form of sharing the content, whether for free or not, is not authorized. The website’s own intellectual property policies also apply.


The student may not provide in-person or online training, whether free or paid, with a syllabus, textual or visual content partially or entirely similar to what is found on the website or provided in the course, within the next 10 years from the moment of purchase. All rights to market the content, as well as its disposal, are exclusively held by SWING TRADING LAB.


  1. Delivered Material


The material provided here is for individual use. It is the intellectual property of SWING TRADING LAB, who holds all rights to it. Copying, selling, distributing, reproducing, renting, or any other form of sharing this material, whether paid or free, in whole or in part, is prohibited.


The participant may use it for commercial purposes only if it is for the proper development of their trading and has been adapted to their trading. At no time does this usage license grant the right to directly sell this material or resell it as a derivative work.


Its content is purely indicative and does not substitute personalized advice. It should be used solely at the recipient’s exclusive responsibility.


By enrolling and accessing the course, I fully accept and understand the terms and conditions established in this Agreement.